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"Gary created and held such a compassionate and nurturing space for me that I allowed myself to be vulnerable. This opened a doorway through which he assisted me in identifying the source of a block that I was unable to recognize. I was able to process deep emotions which led to an incredible healing of trapped energy. I felt a cool tingling down my right shoulder and arm where my muscles had been painfully contracted as the blocked energy was released.

I came to a place of ease and confidence regarding the enormous changes that are going on in my life. Later that day, I was able not only to move forward and accomplish more in one day than I had in a week, but did so enthusiastically. I not only found my ideal home, but had some unexpected money come to me as well that very day!

I cannot thank you enough, Gary. You helped me get my energy back, and I’m moving forward with ease and joy. I am so very grateful. Many Blessings to you!”

- Maureen Marie Damery


"Gary’s powerful energy immediately surrounded me and helping me to feel safe. He guided me to expand and then send Unconditional Love Source Energy to a very pressing personal issue I was dealing with. Gary worked with me patiently on this issue and by the end of the session I felt a shift in the energy of the issue. About two weeks later, the issue resolve itself without much effort from my part. What amazing work! Thank you!"

- Grace Yin-Hom


“I couldn’t recommend Gary Pincus highly enough! His sessions guide you into the perfect soul space for you to release. I absolutely loved the exceptionally high vibrational space he held while invoking my higher self to show me what was ready to go for my journey to expand!

He found layers I thought had long vanished! I wanted to give it a few days before writing this, so I could allow the clearing to work its magic and it did! I have been so clear, focused, and energized!!
I was attracted to his session for anxiety because I had been stressed having so much on my plate, yet wanting to do more projects that were calling out to me. He rocked it! I am on fire!
If you want the energy, clarity, and drive to go after everything you desire... You need Gary!!"

- Chameice Daniel


"Gary Pincus is a HEALER.

He has zero agenda and relies solely upon reading the energies and calling upon the non-physical realms to guide the work.

He holds the field for this dynamic beautifully and has the sensitivities to transpose those energies into the 3rd Dimension.

He, like many healers, has a huge toolkit of methods, processes, and systems for working with others, but my session with Gary was more about the love and kindness he embodies as a catalyzing healing force.
Highest recommendations for Gary as a way to peel away the layers to address core issues.”

- David Chandler


“I let Gary know I was having issues with my lower back hurting and my neck was really tight. I listened to the Physical Healing MP3 and I could feel a lot of warmth on my lower back and neck. I felt really calm and peaceful. I could feel the love of my Angels all around me sending me loving light and complete bliss. I felt as if I was having an energetic healing massage.

I felt unconditional love radiating from my whole body. I feel energized and my body feels lighter than before. I would highly recommend Gary and his healing work to everyone. He has such a calmness about him. He soothes you and you can feel the compassion from him. He has a big heart.”

- Iona Flores


"I have been a spiritual energy worker for over 30 years and have cleared negative entities and attacks many times. I experienced an attack from a very strong-willed, not well-intentioned man a few years ago.

I did much work to clear, release, heal and repair myself from this experience. Working with Gary Pincus was like talking with a good friend. He helped to release any final imprints or residual negativity in a loving and compassionate manner. It felt great to have masculine support for this final clearing. I highly recommend Gary’s Spirit Enlightened technique to you."

- Rev. Dr. Debbi Brown

"Recently, Gary Pincus shared with me his golden white light meditation recording. I was struggling this week with a couple of issues. First, being physically ill and still not feeling well, including lacking energy. Second, dealing with an unusual sense of not being centered – of being off course and out of balance. One evening I took the time to experience Gary’s golden white light mediation and it was an incredible experience. (While I have done guided meditations before, I never know to what degree the meditation and experience will land for me.)

Gary’s meditation experience was impactful and powerful. I most definitively experienced the white light during the meditation. I could also feel the experience in my body during the process and started to shake as if I was letting go of something or things. It was an unusual but comforting experience, knowing that I was letting go of things that were no longer serving me. When I finished the meditation experience I felt (physically) the best I’ve felt all week and finally had my energy back. In fact, I struggled to fall asleep that night (for the first time while ill) because I had so much positive energy back. Even more important, I was back to feeling balanced and centered energetically, emotionally and spiritually. I plan to re-visit the meditation experience this weekend to get another dose of this positive and healing mojo. I am deeply grateful to Gary for his gifts and his sharing of those gifts."

- Jeff Nischwitz

"A horse stepped on my daughter’s foot today. She was in considerable pain. Shortly after Gary worked on her, she was outside jumping on her trampoline. Thank you Gary!"

- Julie Elizabeth

“A few weeks ago, I had a guided session with Gary. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen, my concerns were not around money but around my ability to trust myself, my memory and my understanding of the things I am learning in grad school. Gary guided me to a place that changed my life! Past the fear, the self-doubt and the stress that takes away my capacity to be open to the universe. I find myself living in an abiding love, which raises my energy, my joy, and acceptance of all that I can be. I am so grateful for this experience with Gary and his heart to help others know and experience love in whatever form they need or desire.”

- Sharon S.

“Dear Gary, I want to thank you so much for the session and guided meditation that you shared with me. It has been life-changing. You are such a Master at knowing the right direction to go in a session and in a meditation or process. I have literally been able to go into the space we created and gain the energy needed to face energy meltdowns that I have been struggling with. The golden light meditation was perfect for me. Thank you for being so very in tune with the Universe as a Healer.”

- Carla H.

"Gary is an awesome energy healer. He holds a wonderful space for healing to occur. I entered the session filled with high expectations and left feeling calm, and filled with possibility for change to occur. That evening I had a very peaceful interaction with my husband, which had a different flavor to the usual conflict when discussing difficult subjects."

- Alyse P.

"I find the MP3 empowering and nourishing. It lends itself to a strong sense of self and connection to a higher power. The energy and warmth projected by your words and voice enter through my scalp and permeate my body. My Parkinson’s symptoms subside and the effect offers welcome relief. I listen to it twice a day and have come to look forward to and anticipate the soothing and healing quality. Thank you."

- Regina Mushabac

"I was diagnosed with stenosis of the spine and due to the degenerative changes, I had back pain and in addition, I developed sciatic nerve pain on my right leg.

I had physical therapy several times that did not much help. I did not like to use too much pain medicine. I started to think the operation that the doctor suggested might be the last, only resort.When I mentioned my situation, Gary suggested it might help if he could work on me. Even though I was not very hopeful – because I did have treatments from some healers at the church to no avail – I agreed. He gave me two treatments. To this day I am painless, thank God and thank GARY.”

- Bingul Malmberg

“During a spiritual community meeting at my home, I commented that I felt dizzy and light-headed. Gary said the house needed clearing and he volunteered to do it. After just a few minutes I felt much better—no longer dizzy, and more solid and grounded. I got an image of a large root or tube from my sacrum going deep into the earth. Gary’s work was quick and effective and very much appreciated.”

- Meryl Hershey Beck, M.A., M.Ed., LPCC

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